We're evolving!
After more than 10 years of partnership, BACE and I are transitioning to different paths from here…
As such, I’m excited to announce the early Spring due date of Evolution Perinatal Education Collaborative.
This reimagined resource provides accessible, inclusive, evidence-based CBE training, and aspire to establish a new home for continuing education workshops led by experts in our birth community for doulas and educators. ​​
As head faculty for BACE, I had the privilege of leading 12 cohorts of traditional and accelerated childbirth educator training workshops, mentoring and certifying many of the Boston area’s leading CBEs. I am so proud of my teacher training program which has evolved with your feedback to be dynamic, well-respected, and focused on the shared objective of helping expecting families figure out what is best for them. Now, it even includes a customizable curriculum template to remove technical obstacles for new educators, encouraging them to find their own teaching style and passion points, while preserving key tenets of comprehensive childbirth education certification recognized by employers and insurance providers. I am deeply grateful for the trust you all have had in me, and I can’t wait to share this next season with you.
Our first childbirth educator training will get underway in February 2025!
Are you...
A curious person with passion for serving pregnant people with knowledge and sensitivity and improving birth outcomes with better preparation
A driven person who took a lackluster training in the past, needing mentorship and a great curriculum to get to where you want to be
An experienced birth professional or existent childbirth educator who wants to make a bigger impact​​
Then Evolution Perinatal Education Collaborative Childbirth Educator training welcomes you!
be the childbirth educator you want to be
The mission of Evolution Perinatal Education Collaborative is to foster memorable childbirth educators who make a difference in preparation and birth outcomes for expectant families.